The constancy of a city is persistently challenged by the ever fickle weather. It endures with time and a growing sentiment attaches itself to the hearts of the people who live in it.
The constancy of a soulmate is persistently challenged by the ever changing chapters in our lives. Should they endure with time, a maturing love shall encompass these challenges.
Rey and Krissy have long been friends. Simply put, there is a different kind of beauty to a love that evolves and grows over time.
If these frames that come from the shadows of this city are what leads us in deeper, imagine, what an adventure that would be!
Hold my hand, as we walk through these giants,
and never let go.
Who are we to deny this attraction the universe has put on us?
The inevitability is incontestable.
What a sweetness there is,
to these moments we share.
There’s an incomparable coziness to having coffee with you
here, in our favorite spot.
Oh how wonderful it is,
to go through life growing
with you.